To register for our workshops, please call 902-542-2656 or toll free at 1-877-634-2737. When you reach our voicemail, please leave a message as you will be placed in the class sign-up queue.

Design your own Raglan Sweater
This class is perfect for your first sweater ever or for those who want to create their own unique sweater. Tammy will walk you through each step from choosing your yarn, knitting a gauge swatch and even hold your hand through the math bits! This sweater can be as simple or complex as your skills enable you!
Skill level: Must be able to knit, purl and increase
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Macrame Plant Hanger
Come learn how to make a macrame plant hanger in a fun & relaxed environment!
You’ll learn:
-square knots
-spiral square knots
-switch knots
-gathering knots
Skill level: Beginner, experience is not required
Check out Alexa’s work on Instagram: @rope.and.vine
Skill level: Beginner

Beginner Knit
Do you want to learn to knit but want some in-person help getting started? No problem! In this class, you’ll learn the basics of casting on, working the knit stitch, and binding off while making your first scarf.
Skill level: Beginner

Beginner Rug Hooking
Traditional rug hooking is as diverse an art form as those that practice it. This utilitarian craft-turned-art form is rooted in our Canadian history and a culture of up-cycling well before it was fashionable. Artist, Lisa Meecham, of Woolly Good Rug Hooking, draws from the Canadian cultural narrative to connect with those new and seasoned to the craft.
Her talks are lively interactive artist adventures with hands-on demonstration of materials and teaching techniques. This project is easily adaptable and suitable for beginners and seasoned rug hookers. Full kit, all tools, materials, and four hours of instruction included.
Skill level: Beginner

Tapestry Weaving
Create a unique wall hanging while learning the craft of tapestry weaving. Learn how to set up a frame loom as well as a number of basic weaving techniques and finishing skills.
Skill level: Beginner

Learn How to Weave on a Rigid Heddle Loom
The rigid heddle loom is very lightweight, portable and easy to use. In this class you will learn to warp the loom, weave a sampler and basic finishing techniques. Includes use of a rigid heddle loom for the day. Please bring your lunch.
Skill level: Beginner

Learn to Spin on a Drop Spindle
Join Jenna and learn to spin your own yarn! Jenna will take you through the steps of spinning your first yarn. You will learn the essential spinning vocabulary, learn to spin using a drop spindle and gain the skills to spin beautiful singles.
A drop spindle and fibre is included in the cost of the class.
Skill level: Beginner

Martin’s Tea Towels
Is it possible to have too many tea towels? Weave up some fun towels with Tammy. These towels have texture through the warping process and the use of pick-up sticks as well as colour interest!
Participants will need to bring: minimum 20” loom, a 10 dent reeds, 1 pick-up stick and all the usual weaving paraphernalia. Students should pick up their cotton before class if possible.
Skill level: Students should be comfortable warping independently!
Skill level: Advanced Beginner