To register for our workshops, please call 902-542-2656 or toll free at 1-877-634-2737. When you reach our voicemail, please leave a message as you will be placed in the class sign-up queue.

Learn How to Weave on a Rigid Heddle Loom
The rigid heddle loom is very lightweight, portable and easy to use. In this class you will learn to warp the loom, weave a sampler and basic finishing techniques. There will be a maximum of 6 students in the class with 2 instructors. Please bring your lunch.
Skill level: Beginner

Baby Surprise Jacket Knit-A-Long
Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Baby Surprise Jacket has been a favourite since she first created it in the 1960s. Join Tammy in a KAL to make your own surprise jacket for the special little someone in your life.
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Beginner Needlefelting
Create your own unique tapestry using the traditional technique of needle felting. Bring a photo of your favourite landscape or work from provided samples. Needle felting experience is not necessary but would be considered an asset.
Skill level: Beginner