To register for our workshops, please call 902-542-2656 or toll free at 1-877-634-2737. When you reach our voicemail, please leave a message as you will be placed in the class sign-up queue.

Wet Felted Mittens
A perfect winter project!! Join us for a fun day to create these soft, cozy and warm merino mittens. Your mittens will be custom fit to your own hand or the hand of someone you will gift the mittens to. Not only will you learn to create the mittens, you will also learn to make your own pattern in any size.
All materials and some supplies are included.
Supplies for participants to bring:
- Small bucket or large bowl
- Old towel
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Tape measure or ruler
- If making the mittens for someone other than yourself, bring a tracing of that person’s hand
Skill level: Beginner

Beginner Socks on Magic Loop
Learn to knit socks on circular needles using the Magic Loop technique! This will be a 2-part workshop, covering the basics of knitting socks cuff-down. The first class will cover knitting the sock cuff and leg in the round using magic loop. The second class will be turning the heel.
Yarn is included in the cost. Please bring 3.25 mm 32”circulars for ribbing, 3.75mm 32”circulars for main knitting.
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Sweater Design – Seamless Raglan
This class is perfect for your first sweater ever or for those who want to create their own unique sweater design. Tammy will walk you through everything you need to knit a top down raglan pullover or cardigan beginning with choosing the right yarn right through to choosing increases and just the perfect cast off. For the budding designer, think about adding pockets, hoods and other personal touches! This sweater can be as simple or as complex as you want.
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Learn to Spin on a Drop Spindle
Join Jenna and learn to spin your own yarn! Jenna will take you through the steps of spinning your first yarn. You will learn the essential spinning vocabulary, learn to spin using a drop spindle and gain the skills to spin beautiful singles.
A drop spindle and fibre is included in the cost of the class.
Skill level: Beginner

Anatomy of a Stitch
Understanding how knitted fabric goes together is a huge help for ‘Reading your Knitting’. It is the first step to finding and fixing the ‘whoops’ we all make.
In this workshop we’ll consider the basic knit stitch from several perspectives:
- Right side, left side
- Front, back
- Upside down, right side up
- Stitch position on the needle
- Direction of the yarn
- Slipping, twisting and more
We will not be making a project; We are going to play with a tubular swatch. We are free to experiment and learn. What could be better than simply playing?
Skill level: Intermediate

Icelandic Knit-a-Long
Iceland has a long knitting tradition ranging from fine shawls to the famous yoke pullover. To create a cardigan Icelanders cleverly position a steek in the front of a sweater, work in the round and then cut the steek open. This project adapts a pullover pattern to a cardigan. (If you want to stick with the pullover, that’s fine too.)
Why not join a knit-a-long with some challenge to it? Extend your knowledge of working in the round while creating an Icelandic Telja cardigan. This projects allows you to learn how to:
- Knit body, sleeves and yoke in the round
- Plan for, work and finish a steek
- Strand pattern and background colours without tangling
- Graft the underarm stitches to complete the garment
Materials to be purchased : Istex Lettlopi yarn, pattern from
Needles required: Circular needles – 3.5mm & 4.5mm – 80 cms
Participants must be familiar with working in the round. Some experience of stranded knitting would be helpful.
Skill level: Advanced

Brioche 101
Brioche is the latest new knitting trend…don’t get left behind! Learn the basics of flat brioche knitting with Devon. By the end of the class you will have learned how to cast on, brioche knit, brioche purl and be well on your way to knitting the fabulous Nascha poncho by Andrea Mowry. Please bring 4.5 mm 24”-32″ circular needles.
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Basalt and BlueJays Mitts
Fair Isle is a colour knitting tradition using at most two colours for any row. Why not join a fun, relaxing workshop? Learn basic stranding while creating a mitten inspired by watching Blue Jays at the feeder. This mitten will help you learn to:
- Hold 2 yarn colours
- Knit without tangling yarns
- Strand pattern and background colours
- Recognize the colour principles that make Fair Isle designs effective
Must be familiar with knitting in the round. Demonstrations will be on double pointed needles.
Please bring your completed homework and lunch.
Skill level: Intermediate

Icelandic Felted Slippers
Join Helen Jarvis and create your own pair of adult slippers using the wet resist felting method. All class materials will be provided from Helen’s own flock of Icelendic Sheep! Please feel free to bring a lunch or snacks.
Skill level: Beginner

Colour and Weave Rigid Heddle Class
Learn how to create interesting patterns using just plain weave. Tammy will teach you how to warp your loom for colour and weave patterns and how to use multiple shuttles. Participants will begin a colour and weave sampler tea towel and have the skills to finish it at home.
Participants will need a rigid heddle loom (minimum 18”), a 10 dent reed and three shuttles.
Cost includes all required materials.
Skill level: Intermediate

Beginner Lace
Learn how to knit lace with this lace-sampler top with Devon. The Cancun Boxy Lace Top is a simple top made with only 2 rectangles making it a perfect first garment and learning lace. Please bring 5mm 24-32″ circular needles.
3 skeins of Malabrigo Rios are included in the cost of the workshop.
There is a small amount of homework with this class.
Skill level: Advanced Beginner

Saltwater Mittens
Details coming soon…